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Toloo production group and a group of subsidiaries with a history of more than 19 years as one of. [...]

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Sale of Fire Resistant composite aluminum panels, with more than 50 colors and 15 years official factory warranty [...]

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Toloo production group and its subsidiary companies with a history of more than 18 years is known as one of the first pioneering and leading companies in the modern construction materials industry in the country. Asian and the supply of products with excellent quality in the field of construction industry...

The composite facade of the building is one of the newest facades in the construction industry. Fast execution, variety in color, sound insulation. Resistant to cold and heat and reconstruction of any old facade to the most beautiful and newest modern and classic facade today is one of the most important advantages of composite building facade.

Allocation, follow-up and use of resources to achieve specific goals in a specific period of time is called project management. Project management is done using processes such as initial, planning, implementation, monitoring and closing processes.[2]

What is aluminum composite sheet?

The aluminum composite sheet consists of three layers, including two layers of aluminum sheet with a thickness of 3 to 0.5 mm and one layer of polyethylene material with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm. The outer layer has an epoxy resin lining and a PVDF layer for It is color stabilization. The surface of the aluminum composite sheet is protected with a film layer. According to the thickness, the type of aluminum alloy of the layers, the type of color used in the outer shell and the type of material used in the middle layer, the aluminum composite sheet gives a wide variety to the mentioned sheets, each of which has a certain quality and application.

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What is composite sheet?

The combination of several materials consisting of different layers is called composite sheet. The composite sheet is made of a three-layer connection, which includes a non-flammable and insulating core called polyethylene and non-combustible mineral materials and two layers of aluminum metal.

Composite sheets were invented in Germany in 1969, and the reception and excessive use of this product in the facade shows the appropriate quality and the absence of any restrictions in the design and implementation of these materials.

Composite sheets consist of two layers of aluminum with a thickness of 0.5 or 0.3 mm and a core made of plastic or a mineral filler with a thickness of 3 mm, which is placed between these two layers.

Our core values

Honesty in speech and action are our values ​​and beliefs that should be deeply woven into the fabric of our personal and organizational lives and guide our public and professional behavior.
1- Deep respect for the customer
2- Reasonable price and good quality for products and services
3- Reduction of delivery times and timely delivery
4- Speed ​​and accuracy in providing after-sales services
5- Following the warranty policy and real support
6- Be honest and transparent in relationships
1-Having a high and high opinion
2- Positive and non-destructive competition
3- Sincere and unquestionable cooperation in the common interests and interests of the guild and industry
1- International thinking with national orientation
2- Combining economic activity with social commitment
3- Human-centered growth and development
4- Doing the right things
5- Commitment to continuous quality improvement
6- Courage in innovation and novelty
7- Decisiveness in setting goals and flexibility in adopting methods
8- Not being proud of successes and not discouraged and discouraged by failures
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